
Showing posts from June, 2023

June in a Nutshell

I haven't written a blog here in quite some time and I'm sure you all know why! Life is busy! I never did an introduction post for Miss Roz, but everyone here basically knows that situation already. But you guys are in my closed group, so instead of recounting what has been public I want to add some not so public fun to this blog. Azul and Roz are best of friends with a definite sibling relationship of loving to pick on each other, get in trouble together, and also help each other out. Azul has never been a cuddle bug and still wants his space when he's sleeping but he's also pretty chill with Roz invading his space when he's awake. They take turns laying on top of each other during their daily WrestleMania fun. Azul still enjoys one-on-one time for kayaking and grocery shopping or other work environments. But he's also enjoying more alone time to nap, most likely due to life in general being so busy. He's generally happy